The animated Flappy the Elephant plush by Baby GUND is an adorable singing elephant with two different play modes that entertain baby. Press Flappy’s left foot to engage him in an interactive game of peek-a-boo, where Flappy hides behind his soft, oversized ears. Press his right foot to sing along to a playful new song in a cute child’s voice, while his ears flap in time to the rhythm! Flappy also now features volume control for a more customized play session. Users can adjust volumes by holding either foot for three seconds. Song styles may vary.
This infant plush toy has baby-safe embroidered details, super-soft limbs, and a huggable body that is safe for all ages and ready to be baby’s best friend from the start! This adorable Baby GUND plush elephant is surface-washable for easy cleaning and appropriate for children ages six months and up.